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Social media boundaries are essential for your teen's mental health. Here's how to make them in a collaborative, non-condescending way

Get expert tips on creating effective social media boundaries for teens to protect their mental health while connecting with friends and communities online.

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5 things to consider before the mom guilt kicks in

You can’t always control when or how mom guilt will show up. Here are some quick and easy tips for dealing with mom guilt—because parenting is hard!

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Having a hard day? Turn to these 10 parenting mantras

We all have bad days. Parenting mantras won’t make all the hard days disappear, but they can give you something to hold onto as the day unfolds.

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How to talk to your family about your ADHD diagnosis

Looking for emotional support after miscarriage? Calm Health offers ADHD resources to help you talk about ADHD with your family.

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6 easy ways to keep your cool when your parent rage rounds the corner

Feeling anger & frustration doesn’t make you a bad mom; it makes you human. The next time mom rage kicks in, try these 7 practices to help keep you calm.

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8 things to remember about your kids’ grandparents (aka your parents)

Setting boundaries for grandparents and how they interact with your kids can be challenging. Here are 9 gentle reminders to help you keep calm.

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How to find a therapist for your teen

Finding a therapist for teens can seem daunting. Learn how to find one who clicks with your child in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How to check in on your teen’s mental health in a way that doesn’t annoy them

Not sure how to talk to your teen about mental health (without annoying them)? Here’s a 6-step guide by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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